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Important Dates

2024 Meetings and Events
Feb. 28: Ontario Flora, Presentation on Native Plants
Mar. 27: Cardiff Naturescaping, Presentation on Lawn and                             Boulevard Planting with indigenous plants.

April 24: Don Scallen,  Presentation on Wild Spring Flowers on                    the Bruce Trail and area.     
May 25: Plant Sale (Ducky Race Weekend)
May 29: Rosemary Fernandes Walker Master Gardener, Pruning                  Simplified
June 26: Spring Flower Show 
               Inger Knudsen Master Gardener, Gardening Tricks 
July 31: Annual Potluck Picnic - Located at Arletta Huson's                          house

Aug. 28: Flower Show 
              Two of us Gardening
Sept. 25: Tanya's Creations-Thanksgiving displays.
Oct. 30: Photo Contest display
              Marlies Kaehli-Backyard Green-house
              Grace Tribble-Personal Experiences
Nov. 29: Christmas Banquet and Awards Night, Pot luck dinner

   ***All regular meetings begin at 7:30 pm, doors open at 7pm***
   ***Please bring own coffee mug, for refreshments at end of
   ***If you would like to volunteer to help with gardens in town or any other events please speak to one of the board members***
   ***There is also a toonie prize draw every meeting***



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